The Details
Various Types
The Human Genome Project
Medical Value
Computer Chips vs. Biochips

Biochip's and Their Many Forms

Types of Biochips

There are three main types of biochips that have emerged since the 1990's. These include: plate-based DNA arrays, gel-based DNA arrays, and microfluidic biochips.
Plate-Based and Gel-Based Arrays
    Both the plate based and the gel-based arrays use essentially the same principles to acheive the same end result. Using a large substrate such as a glass plate or porous gel, the biochips probes are immobilized. These probes are a large set of nucleic acid strands, each carrying a known genetic sequence. The strands are embedded perpendicular to the plate and form a rectinlinear matrix (an array)(see figure 1)A test sample is applied. Hybridization then occurs at a few sites in the matrix. The results of the biochip readout are basically a list of the events that have taken place. Each event plays an important role in determining a short span of an unknown coded region of DNA. At this pont the location of this span of DNA is not known. This is why the probes were selected specially for testing the overlap in the sequences. This way the identity of the full sequence can be determined easier, once the hybridization information is arranged for maximum overlap. This is done by specialized computer software. 
   A DNA-array biochip does not conduct actual sequencing reactions. Instead, it can test for many variations of the normal gene itself by focusing in on a specific gene.
    There is yet another way in which genes can be examined and analyzed. This method includes probing gene expressions patterns throuhout the genome. This time the probes are not chosen  to cover the whole length of the gene but instead they are chosen on the basis of having sequences characteristic to different genes. These are called partial sequence tags.     

    "Whenever a gene is active, its code is transcribed into single-stranded messenger RNAs, through which the gene transmits its instructions for cellular biosynthesis of a specific protein". So therefore a variety of messengers end up in a cell's cytoplasm, depending on which genes are working at that point in time. Patterns can then be seen when the messengers hybridize with one or another partial sequence tag on a biochip. 

   The testing may be made possible by "representational difference analysis", in which results from two tissue samples are compared. The active genes in one sample are shown by subtracting one set of results from the other. This also shows which genes are less active or completely inactive in the other sample. For example, normal and cancer cells as well as metastatic and nonmetastatic cancers can be compared. By doing this comparison an abnormal cellular process occuring in diseased cells may be identified.This way of testing may also help in identifying therapeutic targets as well as helping in diagnostic testing.The "HyX Gene Discovery Modules now being manufactured by HySeq test simultaneously for expression of 30,000 to 50,000 genes".

    Gel-based arrays have the potential to be used for more than just DNA applications. One application that is being put into place as we speak is the process of making a protein array. This protein array will be designed to analyze an enzyme's activity, "or a drug's interaction with intended (and unintended) targets, or an antibody's specificities". This analyses could be a huge help in diagnostic testing as well as drug development.

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DNA- Array Biochip Building Process

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Microfluidic Chip

   The third type of biochip, the microfluidic chip, is quite different from a DNA array. Instead of providing nucleic acid probes like DNA arrays, the microfluidic chip supplies channels through which fluids can flow, forced by an applied electric field. These channels allow the fluids to meet, most of the time in "nanoliter quantities". For example, sometimes two fluids will meet and react in the short arms of a Y-shaped set of channels. The end results of the reaction(a single fluid)then flow down the stem of the channel to be sensed at the far end of that same channel. Now, this new fluid may meet a reagent (A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances)and react again repeating the process. The end result would then be sent downstream again to be sensed at an even further end of the channel.  

   These fluids, which can be solutions of nucleic acids, are negatively charged. This system works well because these negatively charged fluids can be easily propelled by the electric field being applied. This propulsion drives the process of gel electrophesis, which is crucial for the current methods of DNA sequencing. This shows that microfluidic technoloy or microfluidic biochips could possibly conduct DNA sequencing on its own. It might also be possible for this technology to conduct PCR amplification of DNA.

   Efforts are being made to produce biochips that control not only reagent flows but also temperature (e.g., the cyclic heatings and coolings required for PCR). "Developers envision a biochip that can amplify DNA and determine its sequence or subject it to other tests, start to end".

   Besides using nucleic acids, the microfluidic chip may also be capable of studying protiens using different methods.  "Microfluidics technology might test whether a patient's blood contains a specific antibody or whether an antibody binds to a specific protein". As of this point in time the microfluidic biochip is the only chip cabable of doing this task.


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